I plugged my laptop in, started it, put a load of laundry in the washer, and then made our morning coffee. We are finally running out of the six pounds of beans we had shipped to us in Quartzsite, Arizona at the end of February and will need to get more from Teeko’s sometime soon. While we were enjoying our morning coffee I pulled up some information online on how to remove ceramic floor tiles. What I found was a bit discouraging but what was clear was the need for certain equipment and safety precautions. Linda needed to return the Sherlock DVDs to the Howell Library today so we went on an errand run to Howell.
At the Library we did some more vehicle research in the April 2015 Consumer Reports. The Chevy Colorado / GMC Canyon mid-size pickup truck was Motor Trend Magazine’s 2015 Truck of the Year, but being a new model CR had no data on predicted repairs or user satisfaction. Ditto for the 2015 Ford F-150 and its 700 pound lighter aluminum body. We liked the size of the Nissan Frontier but the manual transmission required for four-flat towing behind our bus will keep us from buying one. We have not looked at the Colorado/Canyon yet but it is similar in size to the Nissan Frontier. CR gave good marks to most of the Subaru models and the Forrester was one of their top picks. Years ago we wanted a Subaru Outback but they were always just slightly too expensive. Compared to the vehicles we have been looking at recently, the Subaru’s are less expensive. Right now, however, we are focused on the utility of a 4-door pickup truck. Yeehaa!
We checked out the DVDs for Season 1 of the British detective series A Touch of Frost. It is not a BBC production so we will see how we like it. We stopped at D-R Electric Appliance Sales and Service just up the street to look at refrigerators. We bought our new gas range/stove from them last September. They had a 16 cubic foot top-freezer GE (GTE16GTHxx) whose dimensions looked like they might work. With the doors removed it was under 26″ deep so it would fit through the door of the bus sideways. It is available in white, black, and stainless steel. Kurt Richards helped us and said he would search the units he can order if I give him the dimensions of our enclosure. D-R Electric Appliance is not a dealer for Fisher and Paykel so we would have to get one of those through Lowe’s if we decide to go that route.
Lowe’s was our next stop. Linda looked at plants but decided not to buy any on this trip. We picked up a couple of 40 W appliance bulbs for the microwave as one of the two bulbs that lights the top of the range burned out the other day. I picked up a new face shield, dust masks, a Tyvek jump suit, a floor chisel with shield, and a 3-pound short-handle sledge hammer.
Teeko’s Coffee and Tea is kitty corner from the Lowe’s/Walmart shopping center so we stopped there and ordered one pound each of our three half-caffe blends: Sweet Seattle Dreams (Seattle Blend + Sweet Dreams decaf blend); Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, and Cafe Europe. Jeff wasn’t there but his mom (Mary) took our order and his dad (John) was starting to put together the roast when we left. I will pick the beans up tomorrow afternoon.
By the time we got back to the house it was time for lunch so Linda fixed grilled “cheese” sandwiches. She is still using up the non-dairy cheddar cheese we bought a while back. It is not Daiya brand and it does not taste like cheddar. Actually it doesn’t taste like much of anything. Keith was there mowing the yard as we thought he might be.

Me in the Tyvek jumpsuit removing the black ceramic floor tiles. (Photo by Linda.)
[p1 L] It was once again 1 PM by the time I got to work in the bus removing the black ceramic floor tiles. I suited up and Linda took a couple of photos. I was over dressed under the Tyvek jumpsuit so I changed into something cooler. Even then it was a hot, sweaty afternoon. Houses get wrapped in Tyvek to prevent air movement between the interior and exterior, so a jumpsuit does not really breathe. Neither did I with the dust mask in place so I settled for my wrap-around safety glasses, full face shield, Tyvek jumpsuit, and leather gloves.
I had hoped to get most of the floor tiles out intact. They are nice 12″x12″ black ceramic with a hint of silver flake in them and they were probably expensive when they were installed in the bus in 1990-91. They were installed just the way they would be in a house, on a troweled bed of thin set mortar, with one difference; they were set directly on the factory original plywood subfloor of the bus rather than on an underpayment layer. The information I found online this morning indicated that removing tiles installed this way might require removal and replacement of the subfloor. That is not an option in the bus so I was curious, and a bit nervous, to see how they would come out. The other caution was to NOT smash them with a sledge hammer to break them into smaller pieces for easier removal, even though there are lots of websites that tell you to do this. Ceramic tiles with a high quartz content will shatter sending tiny razor sharp shards flying in every direction; thus the Tyvek jumpsuit, face shield, and gloves.
I took a few tiles out yesterday and most of them came out intact. The first few today, however, came out in two or more pieces. Either way I was committed to removing them, so I kept at it. I developed a technique that seemed to work more often than not. I would chisel along one free edge and when I got the first indication that the tile was loosening I would switch to an adjacent free edge (if there was on). Proceeding in this manner I was able to work my way down a row getting most of the tiles loose in one piece. The tiles were laid in rows with aligned joints running across the coach and staggered joints running the length of the coach. Thus the rows were short and easier to work on, my work was interrupted by something I will describe next, but I returned to the task and removed the tiles from the entire kitchen/dining area back past the refrigerator. This part of the deconstruction will take a while but based on the progress I made today it will not take as long as I thought it might, all things being equal (which they never are).
While I was working Keith came to the bus in need of some assistance. His zero-turn Hustler mower had quit moving and started smoking and was stranded in the northeast corner of our yard. This particular mower is all hydraulic; the gasoline engine simply turns a hydraulic pump and fluid pressure is used to drive/steer the mower and turn the cutting blades. Keith had oil on his arms and needed some paper towels. He suspected a hydraulic hose had failed and the smoke was from the hot oil. The immediate problem, however, was to get the mower back into its trailer some 400 feet away.
Keith got the mower stuck once last year in wet/soft soil along the north property line. I was able to use our Cub Cadet lawn tractor to pull him out then so we figured we would try that again. Just this past weekend I had charged the starting battery and moved the lawn tractor outside to make room in the garage for the furniture we took out of the bus. It complained for a moment and then started up. Keith had tow straps so I drove it over to his mower and we hooked the straps to the trailer ball on the back of the lawn tractor.
Keith’s mower weighs 1,200 pounds. I doubt that our Cub Cadet weighs half that much even with me sitting on it. I was able to pull it part way across a level-to-slightly-downhill part of the yard but once we hit an upslope my back tires started to slip. Keith went to get Linda because the lawn tractor would stop if I got off and I was too far from the house to conveniently jump start it. I continued to drive while Linda helped Keith push although we should have figured out a way to trade places. It was very hard work for them but the Cub Cadet proved to be “the little engine that could” and we got the mower down by the third culvert (where the driveway for the barn is supposed to go). We chose that location because it was downhill and close to Keith’s truck and trailer.
Keith’s trailer has a large rear ramp and pointed front like the bow of a boat with smaller ramp that opens at an angle on the driver’s side. I tried pulling his mower up the rear ramp into the trailer. The plan was for me to drive out via the front ramp. Unfortunately the Cub Cadet could not maintain enough traction. We unhooked it and I drove out the front and put it back in its parking spot. I got a pair of wheel chocks from our bus and placed them in front of the trailer wheels while Keith unhooked the trailer from his truck. He then attached the tow straps to the trailer ball on his truck, brought them I through the front ramp opening just off the nose of the trailer, and tied them around the front frame of the mower. It took a few tries, and one repositioning of the strap on the mower, but Linda and I were finally able to guide it into the trailer while Keith pulled it up the ramp with his truck.
Linda got water for all of us while I helped Keith reload the trailer. Keith is retired and doesn’t mow lawns for the money. He’s a good guy who charges us a very reasonable price for the service he provides and we were glad to help him get his mower back in his trailer so he could go home, take a shower, and have a cold beer. We should have done the same, but he probably took the trailer someplace to have the mower fixed and we both went back to what we were working on.
By 4:30 PM I was too warm and too sweaty to remove any more tiles. I was also at the point where I was starting down the hallway and needed to remove some quarter round base molding that was installed over the edge of the tiles. Tomorrow I plan to work earlier in the day when it is cooler, but I say that every day.
Linda cooked most of our dinner on the outdoor grill using the grilling mat to cook potatoes, zucchini, and Japanese eggplant that had been sliced in half lengthwise. She also made Farro and served it as a side dish. I think that is the first time she has done that; she normally uses it as an ingredient. While the vegetables were grilling we sat quietly on the back deck enjoying the last of the first bottle of 2013 Egri Merlot we bought at Whole Foods last week. The robin eggs in the nest under our deck have hatched so we are trying not to disturb the parents too much. They need to fly back and forth constantly to feed their young but are understandably weary of us.
I had a call after dinner from Darin Hathaway, the Aqua-Hot technician who worked on our unit in June 2014. It appeared to have an intermittent ignition coil then and would not fire at all when I had the bus a Butch and Fonda’s in the fall. Butch and I replaced the burner in October 2014 with the one I bought from him. That burner was running rich until I replaced the blower bearings while we were in Quartzsite. Old bearings = slow fan speed = inadequate air supply = rich air:fuel ratio = inefficient combustion and sooty/smoky exhaust. I still need to repair the original one but for now that is not a priority. Darin said he could bench test/repair it but Lloyd DeGerald has the same capabilities.
Butch had eye surgery this morning at a clinic in Indianapolis. I will call tomorrow and see how he is doing. Linda is having a girl’s day out with our daughter tomorrow, Jack will be here to clean the carpets on Wednesday, Linda has to go to the bakery on Thursday, and I have to take the cats to the veterinarian Thursday afternoon. I also expect Keith will return sometime this week to finish mowing the grass. Saturday morning will be our usual ham radio club breakfast and Linda invited Steve and Karen for dinner on Saturday. Somewhere in there we will probably go look at the Chevy Colorado (GMC Canyon), Toyota Tacoma, and the Subaru Forrester and Outback. In between all of that I will be doing a load of laundry or two, working on the bus floor, and trying to figure out refrigerators, furniture, and wall treatments, so it is shaping up to be a busy week. Heck, it’s going to be a busy summer, and maybe a busy fall.