Today was the official first day of the Back To The Bricks Rally (BTTB), and more of the attendees arrived today. The BTTB rally is a joint gathering of the FMCA Great Lakes Converted Coaches chapter (GLCC) and the Converted Coach Owners (CCO), an independent group of folks most of whom have done their own bus conversions.
With 22 rigs expected this is one of the largest GLCC rallies of the year and has become an annual event. It is organized and run by Ed/Janet Roelle, and Marty/Pat Caverly. Bob Shafer was also one of the original organizers, but now spends his time in Florida and is unable to attend.
The day started with breakfast in the pavilion starting at 7:30 AM, provided as part of the rally fee. We had coffee, fruit, bagels, Danish pastries, and muffins. The air temperature was in the upper 40’s to start, but the coffee was very hot so it all balanced out.
Arrival day at an RV rally is always exciting as each new arrival reconnects friends, makes friends of acquaintances, and provides new acquaintances who may become future friends. Around mid-morning a group of the women went looking for garage sales in the area; a tradition at this rally.
Larry and Alma Baker pulled in around noon; the first new arrivals of the day. Larry is the current GLCC president. Pat and Vicky Lintner pulled in with their grand-daughter Graciella, around 12:30 PM. Pat is the current GLCC national director. (For the record, Linda is the current GLCC treasurer.) More arrivals followed and by dinner time we had 15 rigs and folks from Wisconsin who came by car as their bus was out of commission.
As more people arrived, conversation groups formed and disbanded throughout the day. Converted coaches are usually works in progress, so when converted coach owners get together there are always tours of interiors and lots of looking in bays, and so it was today.
The evening meal was provided as part of the rally fee. We had a variety of fresh veggies, chips and salsa, fresh fruit, bean salad, and several main dishes including Swedish meatballs and nachos. Ice cream with toppings was served for dessert.
Most of the attendees gathered in the pavilion after dinner for continued conversations, but it cooled off quickly after the sun set. Folks who arrived today were also tired as traveling, arriving, and setting up are a bit of work. By 9 PM everyone had retreated to their RVs for the night.

Dennis and Bernadette’s Class B. (They left their big bus at home.) Notice the very nice temporary power panel, thanks to Marty’s work.

Two more rigs in the arrival area. The driveway into the Fireman’s park can easily handle four rigs with toads and this is where we unhooked our cars.