Images from our visit to the Dudley Farm Historic State Park in Newberry, Florida. Click once on each image to open a larger view. Maximum dimension is 640 pixels.
- Dudley Farm HSP Visitor Center (L) and Gift Shop (R).
- Linda (orange raincoat) discussing the quilting project with one of the volunteers.
- Tacking the quilt top to batting and a bottom layer of fabric.
- A weaver working at the loom.
- The Dudley farmhouse framed by a mighty cedar tree.
- A view of the Dudley farmstead.
- The Dudley farmhouse and front garden.
- A view to the west from the front porch of the Dudley farmhouse.
- Dudley farmhouse parlor.
- The kitchen building.
- Yeah, it’s one of those.
- This guy was really showing his stuff for us.
- Part of the General Store. The only building that was relocated to the farmstead site.
- Old furrowing blades.