Category Archives: HfH (Howell)


NOTE:  There are four (4) photos, with captions, in this moderate length post.


Monday 26 & Tuesday 27 August 2024 — Clocks, tanks, colors, and furniture


Monday 26 … It’s about time (clocks and septic tanks)

Glenn Williams, the owner of Tenor Clock, arrived right at the appointed time and carefully carried the mechanism for our grand-father clock in from his car.  He explained what he had to do to clean and repair it.  Besides cleaning off the oil that I had incorrectly applied to gears and some other parts, he replaced quite a few tiny (sleeve) bearings.  He had the mechanism mounted on a stand in his home workshop and had adjusted the pendulum to keep time.  He also adjusted the winding mechanisms for the three weights so that I could not overwind them and cause them to jam.  He then set to work re-installing it in the case.  Once mounted, with the pendulum and weights hung, he made fine adjustments to the clock hands and to the strikers for the chimes to get them to sound just right.  (It’s a Westminster Chimes set.)  The chimes now sound precisely at the quarter hours as they should and sound wonderful.  True to his original estimate, it had taken about two (2) months for him to fit this into his work flow.  We were happy to wait, but equally glad to have the clock back in working order.

Sometime during the day, I called Ewers Septic Service to arrange the pump-out of our two septic tanks.  Based on my last conversation with Phil Jarrell, our driveway/septic/foundation/grading contractor, I knew we were overdue to have this done.  The women I spoke to at Ewers reinforced that we were waaaay overdue.  I promised to do better in the future.


Tuesday 27 … A visit with our interior design consultant (daughter); staging a furniture donation for the local HfH ReStore

Our daughter (Meghan) came over during the morning and spent several hours helping us with interior design issues.  She has done a lot of remodeling on their house, and well-acquainted with many websites for design ideas, materials, furniture, lighting, and appliances.

Top of the list was choosing a color (stain) for our red oak floors.  We want them stained darker, but not too dark, but figuring out the correct tone/tint (warm, neutral, cold) relative to our existing hickory cabinets was proving to be a challenge.  Added to the mix was that we would be getting new dining room furniture and were trying to arrive at a style, shape, material, and color that would work well with the existing kitchen cabinets, appliances, and refinished floor.  Here is what we were considering:

Existing floor (red oak) and kitchen cabinet (hickory) framed by dishwasher (white, left) and range (white, right) with the floor sample we like (dark, large, Superior Red Oak with Praline finish) from Michigan Hardwood Distributor) and the table wood (hard Maple) and finish (not sure of the name) we are considering.

BdW guest Bonnie & Randy D were scheduled to leave tomorrow but left today instead.  They had found a buyer for their motorhome and today was the handover to the new owner.  This was set to take place at a credit union in Brighton, where money, title, and keys would be exchanged.  They would then check-in to a suites motel in town for about a week until the closing date for the house they had purchased.  For most of the time there were staying on our property they were cleaning out the MH and moving their possessions into a storage locker in town.  Their activities were never intrusive, even the day the RV inspector was here (most of the day), and we were glad that they stay worked out well for them.

Tuesday is grass-mowing day so, as usual, Keith was here.

After Meghan left, I moved the F-150 out of the large bay of the garage to make room for the dining room furniture we were donating to the Habitat for Humanity (HfH) ReStore nearby.  The buffet/China cabinet was especially difficult to move.  Even with the drawers and custom glass top removed it was still heavy and awkward to handle.  But we got it done as shown in the following photo:

The DR buffet/China cabinet and drawers in the garage, waiting to be picked up by the local HfH ReStore.  The DR table and chairs have yet to be moved to the garage.


With the Bassett DR furniture moved to the garage, we set up our folding card table and brought up the three folding chairs (with padded seats) from the basement.  Linda is seated at the table, which is not directly under the pendant light, as we think the proper location for the new table will be slightly to the left (north) of the existing light fixture.  Here’s a photo:

The dining room area looks very spacious without its usual furniture, but it is not that large of a space and we will have to be very thoughtful about what we put in here next in order to ensure good traffic flow with adequate clearance around the DR table.  The DR table sits at the intersection of the kitchen (with its door from the library/garage), doorwall to the deck, Linda’s desk (to the left of the refrigerator) and the hallway/foyer (to the bedrooms, and front door / basement stairs, and living room).

Here’s another photo over the color and wood grain palette we are considering:

Existing red oak floor, proposed floor color (large, dark sample of Superior Red Oak with Praline finish), proposed DR table sample (hard maple /warm brown) and fan-pack of stain sample photos on red oak.


NOTE:  This is a longer post with one (1) photo, with caption, taken by me using a Google Pixel 6 Pro.


TUESDAY 20 August 2024 — An audiology appointment (Bruce); An RV inspector; flooring, furniture & railing decisions; another UPS; garage doors; a ZOOM call; and the DNC on PBS

The RV inspector arrived before I left for my 10:30 AM audiology appointment at the UofM Health Brighton Center for Specialty Care.  The audiologist (Sheri) was great, and it was a pleasant/interesting experience.  I’ve had my hearing tested before, but it’s been quite a while, so I no longer recall when or where it was done, or what the results were.  Today’s testing included examining the movement of both eardrums before testing my detection thresholds (faintest sound I could detect at various frequencies).  It also included a test of bone conduction and my ability to correctly identify spoken words from a recorded male voice.  The bone conduction test was interesting to me because Linda had a BAHA (bone anchored hearing apparatus) before she got her Cochlear implant, and I have recently seen ads on Youtube for headsets that rest on the bone in front of the ear rather than in the ear canal.

My hearing in both ears was in the “normal” range up to about  5 or 6 KHz (5,000 to 6,000 cycles per second), and about the same for each ear.  I do not know, however, if “normal” was an age-adjusted metric.  From 6 KHz – 8 KHz, my threshold increased in volume for both ears, with one of them slightly more affected than the other.  A graph of the data was displayed on a monitor in the soundproof booth and Sheri explained what it meant.  The upper end of the frequency scale was 12 KHz, but my hearing was only tested up to about 10 KHz.  I am not a strong candidate for hearing aids (frequency selective amplification devices) at this point, but might benefit from them in certain circumstances, and might need them all the time in the future.

I was aware that “normal” age-related hearing loss affects the highest frequencies first, so the results were not surprising.  When I was a teenager, and probably into my 20’s and 30’s, I was able to hear sounds as high as 20 KHz.  This was important for the full enjoyment of music, which was the major focus of my life from ages 10 to 21.  Music still sounds fine to me (which is not the case for Linda), but that is no longer a major concern.  My hearing is still good in the frequency range for human speech, although the roll-off in higher frequencies would affect my ability to understand females more than males.

Sheri suggested I return in one year and have my hearing tested again.  Not that she expects my hearing to change much in just one year (barring an accident or illness), but today’s measurements will only provide a baseline for future data.  Two measurements will identify if my hearing is changing and. If so, by how much.  When I was doing data analysis work as part of my last employment, conventional wisdom was that it takes a minimum of three data points to establish a trend, and more points are better, so I might go back again in two years, or perhaps skip a couple of years before testing again after next year.  But that will also depend on what the audiologist recommends after each visit.

On the way home, it occurred to me that we might want to go ahead and donate our dining room table and (4) chairs, along with the buffet cabinet, to the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore sooner rather than later.  We have been discussing this for a while and had already started looking at possible replacement furniture, but the new insight was that donating it now would mean we did not have to find someplace in the house to store it while the oak floor was being refinished (in October).  Linda was onboard with the idea, so I called the local HfH office when I got home and left a message.  They called back and indicated they were approximately two weeks out for donation pickups, and that someone would call next week to set up a date.  I was reminded that all items needed to be in the front of a garage or outside; their employees will not come in the house to collect items.

Keith arrived to mow the property while I was at my appointment.  It was a nice day for mowing and, as usual, he did a great job.

Some wonderful fungi growing on the north side of the base of the large oak tree by our first driveway entrance.  I’m not sure exactly what they are, so I do not know if they are technically mushrooms.

The new Tripp-lite UPS & surge protector arrived today, several days after Amazon originally said it would be delivered.  To be fair, they provided updates on the delivery date.  I unboxed it and plugged it in to let the battery fully charge.  It is NOT a LFP unit, using an SLA (sealed lead-acid) battery instead.  The instructions said it could be mounted vertically on a wall, however, which was our use case.  The battery is easy to replace, and are available from EATON, which owns Tripp-lite.

This is a smaller, less powerful, unit than the big ones we have, but will be more than sufficient for running the small network switch that is mounted on the wall by Linda’s desk.  That switch is currently powered by the large Tripp-lite UPS that also powers her laptop computer, calculator, and the small canon ink-jet printer that she keeps on her desk.  The reason for the new UPS is that we are going to temporarily move her desk into our bedroom while the hardwood floor is being refinished, and the large UPS has to move with it.  The small switch will remain by her normal desk location, and needs UPS protection to avoid network interruptions from a loss of utility power.  Indeed, all network-related components in our house are plugged into UPS units, as are all computers, monitors, printers, the Synology NAS unit, and most of the media equipment.  We also have a whole-house generator, but it takes a few seconds to start and come online once it detects a loss of utility power, so the UPS units fill the gap, and provide power for some amount of time in the event the generator fails to start.

I had the garage doors open for much of the day to air out the space and let it cool off.  The high temperature today never reached 70 deg F, and we have a string of 3 to 4 nights coming up with lows in the 40’s.  That’s early fall weather for our part of the country, but we’ll take it.  We will be well up into the 80’s again by the weekend, so summer is not over yet.

When I closed the small garage door it stopped and went back up.  I pushed the button again and it went almost all the way down and then came back up.  I tried a 3rd time to close it and it went most of the way down, stopped, and jammed.  Whaaat?  I examined it and discovered that the vertical track on one side (opposite the motor operator side) had come loose from the wall and twisted.  I also noticed that the lift cable on the end by the motor operator had come out of its pulley wheel and started to wrap around the spring shaft.  Nothing for me to do at that point other than text Dan (Everlast Doors) and let him know.  He texted me back quickly and said he could be here around 7:30 PM.  While I thought it would wait until tomorrow, he was concerned that the garage was not secure as the bottom edge of the door was not touching the floor.

Linda set up a 5:30 PM ZOOM call with Paul & Nancy.  We had a good chat, and it was fun, as usual.  After dinner we watched the PBS coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

Dan showed up when he said he would.  He disconnected the door from the motor operator (there’s a pull cord for this), got the door unjammed,  got the lift cable back on its pulley wheel, and got the door all the way up.  I then moved Linda’s car outside.  He lowered the door onto the floor manually, I set the deadbolt latch manually, and the garage was secure for the night.  He offered to return tomorrow to fix everything correctly, but Thursday was better for us, and turned out to be better for him as well.  Until then, Linda’s car would live outside, which has for most of the time we’ve owned it.


NOTE:  This is a longish post with no photos.


SATURDAY 17 August 2024 — BdW guests leave & arrive, overseas travel planning, wood floor refinishing, DR furniture donation (HfH), ACI CPP via HH/BW, e-waste recycling and UofM Health.

Mike & Sheila came to front door to thank us for hosting them and say “farewell until next time” before pulling out.  Not long after they left I got a call from our Ontario, CA friend and fellow bus nut, Bill G.  I had commented to Linda several times over the last week or so that I needed to call Bill (and Marty, and Ed), but he beat me too it.  This happens a lot.  We had a nice/long chat, mostly about house/shop projects and cruising.  He and Karen have been going on at least an annual (January) cruise for years and are much more experienced cruisers than we are.  They have mostly sailed on Royal Caribbean, so they have a lot of loyalty points, but they are doing a Princess Cruise Lines repositioning cruise in the spring of 2026 from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Southampton, England because Royal Caribbean does not offer a similar cruise.  We will have to check the PCL website, but it sounds like the same cruise we are doing in the spring of 2025, with perhaps slightly different ports-of-call on the European continent.

After the phone call, Linda helped me load the electronics we were recycling into the back of the F-150 and drove to the county e-Waste recycling location.  The line was short, and I was in and out in very reasonable amount of time.  On the drive out of the facility, the line of vehicles coming in was backed up all the way to road, a considerable distance.  Timing is everything, and good luck helps a lot.

When I got back home, Linda and I had a long conversation about the floor refinishing project and its implications for the house and our ability to use it while the work was ongoing.  She has wanted to replace the dining room table and buffet/sideboard for a while now.  They are matching pieces to the living room and recreation room furniture that we have already donated to the local Habitat for Humanity (HfH) ReStore.  Most of our bedroom furniture is also from this same Bassett Mission-style product line.  We bought all of it the J.C. Penny store in NOVI, Michigan many, many years ago.  We still like it, but we have gotten our use out of it and are ready to pass it on to some who can use it, and getting something different for our house.

There are quite a few things we have to do before the floor refinishing work commences, and a few things we have to do after it is completed.  It was time to make a list.  The decision to donate the furniture, for instance, was a result of thinking about this task list.  By donating it we won’t have to find a place to store it.  And, we won’t need to replace it until after the floor project is done.  Genius.  This decision, of course, led us into an online search for a new dining table and buffet/sideboard.  More to come on that in future blog posts.

We have been in this house for just over 11 years, and plan to still be here for more years than that.  The recent flurry  of projects is motivated by wanting to refresh and improve things now, so we can enjoy them for many years, but still have the house and appliances in nice condition if/when we decide we want/need to sell.

While we were working on task list, BdW guest RamTam19 (Randy and Tammy B.) showed up.  They were our first visitors this year (April 16), so they just pulled in and parked in our guest RV site.  Normally I have people stop in the street but they new just what to do and just went ahead and did it.  No problem, in this case.  I went out to help get them into final position.  It was starting to rain, so we only chatted briefly and I left them to make camp.  They will be here for 5 nights, so I hope we have some good weather and get a chance to chat.

I got a reply from Kathy G. regarding the ACI/HH CPP system.  She was on vacation, but replied promptly.  While not necessary, it was appreciated.  She indicated that she was meeting with the ACI Executive Director and the HH software team on Wednesday, and would share my e-mail with them.  I replied to her e-mail, and reiterated the details of an unresolved concern regarding the logic of the BdW stay request system.

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on blog posts, and e-mail.  I received an e-mail a few days ago about the passing of a long-time member of the South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club (SLAARC), Larry G.   Larry (K8UT/SK) was a technical superstar, especially with computer networking, a highly skilled operator, and an important contributor to the Ham radio hobby in SE lower Michigan.  I received an e-mail today with the visitation information (tomorrow) and funeral Mass details (Monday).

Earlier in the day I got a message from UofM Health reminding me to check in for my upcoming audiology appointment on Tuesday.  I don’t think I have any serious hearing issues, but my new primary care physician in the UofM-H geriatric clinic sort of indicated that he would like a baseline measurement.  It’s been a long time since I have had my hearing tested, so this seemed like a good idea, even though insurance won’t cover it.  While logged in to do the check-in, I also checked for any new invoices or outstanding balances.  I did not have any.  Linda does a great job keeping our bills paid, as long as she knows about them.



NOTE:  There are two (2) photos with captions in this post.  Photos taken by me (Bruce) with a Google Pixel 6 Pro.


MONDAY 22 – TUESDAY 30 April 2024 — The end of April


During the 4th week of April, we might have started working on pruning trees and bushes, and pulling weeds, but we tend not to record these kinds of work days on our calendar, and I did not capture that information in real time.  As of Wednesday, June 5, however, I think the burn pile had been lit at least twice, and maybe three times.  We are trying to not accumulate numerous/large piles of stuff for the burn pile, like we have in the past.  We do wait, however, until we have enough to justify lighting it, a bit more to add to, and have decided to work in the yard and create even more material to add to it.  So far, it seems to be working out for us fairly well.  Some highlights of specific days of the week were as follows:


Monday 22 …

Nothing of note, apparently.


Tuesday 23 …

I had a note on the calendar to call the University of Michigan Health (UofMH) Travel Clinic so see about getting additional vaccinations in advance of some of our planned international travel.  I was told that the clinic currently only services faculty, staff, and students and was referred to a private clinic in town.  I might have called that clinic as well, but I don’t recall specifically.  HFHS Columbus Center also has a travel clinic, so I called them.  Linda still has here primary care physician there, but I do not.  No matter, as it turned out, they will still see me.  We will need to send them our itineraries in advance of an appointment, which we have deferred until later in the summer.


The new cat tree, fully assembled and positioned in the library near the doorwall to the living room.  Only time will tell if Cabela deems it interesting enough to be worthy of her use.


Wednesday 24 …

Linda had a mid-morning appointment with her ENT, and we both had early afternoon appointments for eye examinations with an optometrist in the Kellogg Eye Institute at the UofMH Brighton Center for Specialty Care.  I got a new prescription for glasses, but Linda got a referral to an ophthalmologist at the Institute for possible cataract surgery.  We met our friend, Kate, at 17:30 for dinner.  We dined somewhere in the Ypsilanti / Ann Arbor area, but I did not record where we went.


Thursday 25 …

Linda met Diane at Kensington Metropark for their weekly walk.  Boondockers Welcome guest Woosch32 arrived for a 1-night stay.


Friday 26 …

Sometime earlier in the week I had scheduled a used furniture pickup with the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore for 9 AM this morning.  ABIR, they showed up right on time, and shortly thereafter all of the living room furniture that had been in our Rec Room was out of the garage and on its way to the ReStore.  This was the second batch of this furniture we have donated.  The first batch found a new home (or homes) very quickly (so we were told) so we hoped this batch would as well.


Saturday 27 …

I took a photo of the boxes for the pigment ink refills (that I needed to order) for our Epson EcoTank 16650 multi-function wide-format inkjet printer.  The photo was not worth displaying, but apparently I ordered the refills today.  This printer uses Epson’s 542 series pigment inks (CMYB) which come in reasonably large volume bottles; 70 ml for C, Y, and M, and 120 ml for B.  The special bottles are keyed to match the refill ports on the printer’s built-in ink tanks, making it essentially impossible to put the wrong in a tank.  It’s a very economical way to buy ink (thus the ecoTank branding), and the system is very easy and clean to use.


Sunday 28 …

Nothing of note, again.


Monday 29 …

After an exchange of e-mails over the last month or so, I was able to set a date to get together with Ken Schramm, founder of Schramm’s Meadery.  Ken and I both worked at Wayne RESA at the same time, and became friends as well as colleagues.  Linda and I, with Paul and Nancy, had been to his retail shop and tasting room in Ferndale, Michigan just before the CoVID-19 pandemic, but he wasn’t there that day, and they ultimately had to close the storefront due to the loss of retail business.  The meadery, however, survived the economic difficulties of the time.  It was located just around the corner, in a housing area just off the main commercial street.  I met Ken there and got a personal tour of the operation before we went to a local Thai restaurant for lunch and a prolonged, and much overdue, conversation.

Back at the meadery, I bought bottle several bottles of mead, including a “Patty Fay.”  Patrica Faye was Ken’s mother’s name, but Patricia is also my sister’s name, her last name is still “Fay,” and she has always gone by “Patty.”  She does not drink alcohol, however (to the best of my knowledge), so the bottle is for us, in her honor.  Here’s to you, Sis.


Tuesday 30 …

A picture of the new Hisense wine refrigerator (taken in early July 2024)..  I pulled the wine racks out, which is more obvious in the reflection in the door window.  The fabric artwork on the wall (partial view) is a hooked rug I made in the late 1970’s.  The pattern was inspired by a pseudo-colored X-ray radio telescope image of the Milky Way galaxy.  The various colors indicate portions of the galaxy that are moving towards our position or away from it, and how fast.  The complete piece is about 4’ x 6’ in size.

Sometime in the past few days I ordered a new Hisense wine refrigerator from the local Lowe’s store.  It was delivered today mid-afternoon.  They had them in stock at the store, but with delivery and take-away service, it was easier to do it this way.  In advance of its arrival, I moved the dining room table to make room, and emptied the old wine fridge, putting the bottles out of the way.

The new wine fridge looked good, although I did have to figure out how to attach handle.  I had to partially remove the door gasket to get the holes in the door frame for the handle bolts.  One of the things I really liked about this unit at the store was that the bottle racks each slide out, making it much more convenient to access the bottles.