
NOTE:  This is a longish post.  It has one (1) photo, with caption, taken by me (Bruce) with a Google Pixel 6 Pro.


WEDNESDAY 21 & THURSDAY 22 August 2024 — BdW; Flooring, furniture, & new UPS; friends for dinner; fixing the garage door


Wednesday 21 … BdW guests sell their MH; Preparing food for dinner with friends

Tammy (RAMTAM19) messaged us to lets us know that they had sold the unit and the new owners would be taking possession of it today, assuming the money transfer occurred without any issues.  I visited with Tammy & Randy briefly, and then left them to their tasks as they were in the final stages of emptying out their motorhome and putting things in storage locally.  They are closing on a house in a week, and plan to stay in a local suites motel until then.  They are from this area, and have adult children who still live within a reasonable distance of Brighton, so our BdW site has been a good, central location for them to deal with the sale of their rig and visit with their children and grandchildren.  Their stay request had them leaving on Friday morning, but they will be leaving early, which is never a problem.

I put out food for the wildlife that frequents our property and then returned to inside work.  Our first task was to remove the paper we had taped to the floor yesterday to help us visualize a round dining room table of several different diameters, located directly under the existing dining room pendant light fixture.

Linda spent the morning and early afternoon preparing food for this evening and doing some final house cleaning.  She also helped me get a few measurements to locate the point on the floor directly under the dining room light fixture.  With that information, I added a 54” diameter round table to the QCAD drawing of the hardwood floor area of the main floor of the house.  I also drew the table in it’s extended (oval/race-track) configuration, and added the refrigerator, Linda’s desk, and sideboard to give us a visual and measured indication of how the table would fit in the space.

John and Diane arrived around 3:30 for a visit and dinner.  They brought a nice wine.


Thursday 22 … Moving the desk; mounting networking and power components on the wall; a BdW guest arrives; and fixing the new/small garage door

With the new UPS in hand, we cleaned off the top of Linda’s desk (computer, printer, adding machine, and Lamp) and moved everything onto our bed.  We then emptied Linda’s desk and moved it to our bedroom, which she had previously cleaned and rearranged slightly.  The top of the desk was not attached to the base cabinets, but they were joined together by the center drawer assembly.  I looked at disconnecting the center drawer assembly and decided it would be more pain than gain.  We took out the six (6) drawers, 3 from each base unit, and the center drawer, so we had 10 pieces in all to move and reassemble.  Plus the large UPS, of course, but I could not move it until I had mounted the new/small UPS to the wall and moved the power connection for the network switch.

Before we disassembled an moved the desk, I marked out the open space between the drawer boxes and the top/center drawer on the wall with blue painters’ tape.  The top, box drawers, and center drawer have been removed and temporarily placed in the bedrooms.  The boxes will be moved to our bedroom and the desk reassembled in front of the doorwall opposite the foot of our bed.  It will live there until the oak flooring is refinished and then be put back in its normal location next to the refrigerator in the kitchen/dining part of the house.

I selected the new UPS in part because it has keyhole slots on the back to allow wall mounting, or anyplace that supports a VESA 100mm mounting pattern.  I mounted it on the wall in the area between the two desk pedestals, which I had marked out with painter’s tape before we moved the desk.    I then moved the small network switch into the same area and bundled up the data and power cables to keep them up away from the floor.  This area is above and either side of the duplex receptacle and networking outlet box, so a good location for the switch and UPS.  This arrangement will remain when we move Linda’s desk back into its permanent position.  The small UPS for the network switch will be on at all time, but we can switch off the big one if/when we are away.

Around mid-afternoon, BdW guest Shannen J. arrived with her dog, Jack.  ABIR a couple of weeks later, Jack was a spirited yellow Labrador Retriever.  They were here for a 1-night stay.

Dan (Everlast Doors) showed up at 16:30 to fix the smaller garage door.  This involved several things.  First, he unplugged the motor-operator from AC power disconnected the spring-loaded drive shaft (mechanic release), and manually released the deadbolt, allowing him to move the door a bit and see what it was doing.  He moved the shaft and got the lift cable on the operator side back on to the pulley.  He then reattached the vertical track on the opposite side to the front wall, using molly anchors, and got the twist out of it.  This wall is just 1/2″ chip board and the original screws, which were not in 2×4’s underneath, did not hold.  He also adjusted the horizontal tracks near the ceiling to remove any twist and make them parallel and the correct distance apart.  This required some “adjustment” of the angle irons that protrude from the ceiling drywall, which were left over from the original door installation(s).  Operator re-engaged, power ON, raise and lower the door and make any final, minor adjustments.

With the door working correctly, Dan then installed two additional LED light fixtures on the east side of the ceiling for the larger bay.  He paired one of them with the operator for the large garage door and the other one with the operator for the small garage door.  With the addition of these two lights, which are plugged in to 120VAC power but wirelessly controlled by their respective door operators, whenever either door is opened we now have light between our vehicles and between the truck and the door to the library.  He was here for several hours.

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