Joining RVillage

Are you ready to JOIN RVillage?  Of course you are!  It’s easy and here’s how to do it:

      1. Open your web-browser and go to RVillage ( )
      2. Watch the introductory video (1 minute, 35 seconds).
      3. Scroll down and click on the Join The Network button.
      4. Fill in your basic Profile information.  Be thoughtful about your “screen name.”  Most people do NOT use their full first and last names, but you need to do something that allows other members to tell you apart from other people.  For example, we are Bruce and Linda (Omnibus).  [Omnibus is the vanity license plate on our motorcoach.]
      5. Check in to an RV park/campground or a city/state.  In order to get started it is better to be checked in to a park than a city and state.

[Note 1:  There may still issues with signing into a city and province or location in Mexico so that may not work yet.]

[Note 2: RVillage does not use GPS or other location services and checking in to location has nothing to do with the reservation and check in systems used by RV parks, campgrounds, etc.  RVillage shows your location based on where you tell the website you are currently located.]

Once you have joined the network and indicated where you are located, you can explore the website, but we recommend that you JOIN one or more RVillage groups because that’s where the action is.  For step-by-step directions on how to join an RVillage group and navigate the RVillage groups feature, see our RVillage Groups page.  For some general tips on how to navigate the RVillage website, see our RVillage Navigation page.

We look forward to seeing you on RVillage and perhaps in some groups.

Bruce and Linda (Omnibus) on RVillage!