We overslept a bit this morning and did not get up until 7:20 AM. We dressed quickly and drove to breakfast separately as we had to go to separate places afterwards. We got there at 8 AM and had a nice chat with the folks at our end of the table. It was a big group this week, at least 24 people, maybe more.
Linda left breakfast at 9:15 AM to meet Diane at Kensington Metropark at 9:30 and go walking. I lingered at the restaurant until after 9:30. I drove back to I-96 and Grand River Avenue in Brighton, where I filled my fuel tank at the Shell station, and had a nice QSO with Mike (W8XH) while driving. I then drove across the street to Brighton Ford to pick up the four spin-on coolant filter/conditioners I ordered yesterday.
Brighton Ford’s parts department is a NAPA outlet but they do not have any signs to that effect as Ford Motor Company won’t allow it. My next stop was up Grand River Avenue towards Howell at the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts store where I picked up the nine (9) gallons of Chevron Delo 100 SAE 40 engine oil I ordered yesterday morning. I drove home and chatted a bit more with Mike on the way. I found out that he gets his Lawn tractor serviced at/by Sloan’s in Linden and is very pleased with them. He has a trailer for transporting his lawn tractor and is willing to let me borrow it to transport ours when I am ready.
When I got home I unloaded the oil and filters and then emptied the dishwasher, refilled it, and started it. I then went to my office to work. I had an e-mail reply from Byron Pigg with information I needed to finish the article for Bus Conversion Magazine (BCM) about his 1985 Model 15 Eagle bus conversion. I incorporated the new info into the Word docx and then called Byron on the phone. We spent at least an hour going over the article and chatting about bus conversions. After we wrapped up our conversation I worked a bit longer on the article making the last few edits and removing blemishes from two of photos. I uploaded the article (Word docs) and all of the photo files (jpgs) to my BCM Dropbox folder at 2:15 PM and then e-mailed Gary (publisher), Mike (editor), and Jorge (layout).

Shawna (back to camera) gets Madeline into her Bumblebee costume for Halloween Trick-or-Treat in their neighborhood.
While I was doing all of that Linda firmed up our Halloween plans with our son. We left the house at 2:45 PM and drove to Ann Arbor, arriving at their house around 3:30. Shawna got Madeline into her bumblebee costume and Linda gave her a Halloween gift bag with a rag doll, some candy, and a card. At 4:15 we walked over to a neighbor’s house for a gathering that included snacks/dinner. We talked to host Laurel’s parents, Tom and Kendra, who were there from San Diego, California. All of the kids and most of the adults left at 5:15 to go door-to-door trick-or-treating on Granger Street. Granger was closed off to vehicles for several blocks with policeman at each barricade and there were hundreds of people out and about. Many of the adults were in costume, some quite elaborate, and it was quite a sight.
Madeline caught on very quickly to her role in all of this and would often walk past other, larger children right to the front of the line to get her treat. She is just shy of three years old so it was cute. One of the houses had two large pumpkins out front, appropriately carved. They were real pumpkins and each weighed about 1,500 pounds when they were delivered by a truck. Madeline is above average height for her age but these pumpkins towered over her. The homeowners are well known in the neighborhood for having these giant pumpkins each year and bring in mind-boggling large quantities of candy in crates. You gotta love neighbors like that.
The rain held off for most of the prime trick-or-treat window from 5 – 6 PM but I was cold and went back to the house a little ahead of everyone else. It started to drizzle around the same time Madeline’s endurance was waning and they got back to the house at 6:30 with the umbrella deployed. Madeline was eager to take stock of her Halloween “loot”. We enjoyed watching her excitement at having different items to choose from and then “negotiating” with her parents over having to select just one item for this evening. Halloween trick-or-treat is perhaps best appreciated while watching a three year old experience it.
We left around 7 PM and stopped at the nearby Whole Foods Market for soy creamer. We picked up two bottles of Frey brand wine, a white and a red, and two pieces of vegan cake. Frey makes organic wines without the use of animal products and are a sponsor of “Cooking School” with Christina Perillo on the PBS Create channel.
I got a call from Joe as we were getting ready to leave Whole Foods. He was packed and ready to hit the road first thing in the morning. He wasn’t sure if he would make it all the way to our house on Sunday or finish the trip early Monday morning.
It rained on the drive home and I took the wheel as Linda has a hard time with dark/wet roads. We were reminded, once again, of the poor condition of Michigan’s roads, many of which need to be repainted and have reflectors installed such as the ones we saw in Florida the winter before last. (I suspect that the reason Michigan does not use them is because of snow plows, but they really make it safer to drive dark roads at night.) We got home sometime after 8 PM and had dessert. I checked the bus for leaks buy did not find any new water. I texted Joe our address, checked e-mail, and then opened the package from Rockler Woodworking that our postal carrier had delivered earlier in the day.
The maple veneer from Rockler was a bit darker than I had hoped, but it will still be a nice contrast to the walnut trim when suitably finished. The two shelf brackets were certainly substantial enough but it remains to be seen if the wall of our coach is adequate to support the table without a leg to the floor. The main issue will be the fasteners near the top which will be in tension and trying to pull out of the wall. Of secondary concern will be the lower tip of the brackets, which will be in compression, trying to push through the wall and possibly puncturing it. I may have to use expanding bolts or toggles rather than screws for the upper (tension) fasteners.
We had some hot tea and went to bed. Although I did not get to work on the bus today I got a lot accomplished and we had a great time watching our younger grand-daughter experience Halloween.