Linda was up at 7 AM and grabbed a shower as Madeline is usually awake by 7:15 and up between 7:30 and 7:45. Madeline tends to wake up hungry so Linda likes to have breakfast ready to go. I was up by 7:20 and also grabbed a quick shower. When Madeline was finally ready to get up she let Grandma Linda carry her into the living room and hold her in her arms for a while. When she was ready to sit up Linda brushed her hair and then Madeline returned the brush to the master bathroom. Linda got her changed into her day clothes and then we all had breakfast. Linda and I had our usual coffee, orange juice, and granola with fresh berries plus some vegan sausage links. Madeline also had the sausage links and berries but her main course was toaster waffles with a little bit of real maple syrup. Yum.
After breakfast Madeline wanted to go look for chickens so she and Grandma Linda went for a walk. When they got back I learned that they saw three chickens, a duck, some bunnies, and a chipmunk (ground squirrel). We then read a couple of stories and built a fort in the living room. We talked about going to the Mill Pond in Brighton to see/feed the ducks but there was some sort of running event this morning, a parade at 10 AM, and then a rubber ducky race at the Mill Pond following the parade. It is the 4th of July, after all, and most communities have celebratory events going on all day and into the evening, ending with fireworks displays. That sounded like a crowd to me, with the attendant parking hassle, but we figured the crowd might have thinned sufficiently by 10:30 AM to make the experience a good one and decided to chance a visit. Linda made PB&J sandwiches and packed some grapes and cookies.
We parked in the lot behind the La Marsa restaurant, which is far away from the Main Street part of the Mill Pond, and walked down the boardwalk to the playscape. There were a lot of people gathered around the Pond for the rubber ducky race and quite a few children at the playscape with their adult chaperones. Madeline explored the entire playscape with great enthusiasm. By the time she was done it was 11:30 AM and she was hungry so we had lunch at one of the picnic tables under the shade of a big tree.
After lunch Grandma Linda stood in line with Madeline to use the bathroom. We then walked around the Mill Pond and paused to cover our ears while the emergency sirens were tested, this bring the first Saturday of the month. We had a leisurely stroll back to the car and I had a nice chat with a fellow photographer along the way. He is a local artist/writer with a deep interest in the Mill Pond and the wildlife that calls it home. He wrote down his website URL for me: I checked it out when we got home and it is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the flora and fauna of the Brighton Mill Pond.

The various shades of green with a few orange flowers caught my eye while strolling the boardwalk at the Brighton Mill Pond.
Back at the house Madeline had some soy yogurt and fresh berries before taking her nap. I don’t know if she fell asleep and woke up or never completely fell asleep but around 2 PM I heard her fussing. When I checked on her she said she needed to go to the bathroom. Linda had fallen asleep but that is a duty she takes care of so I woke her up. Madeline took care of her business, laid back down, and fell asleep. Linda stayed awake.
With Madeline asleep I took the opportunity to go to my office and check e-mail. There was one from Scott at indicating that the SLAARC website had been copied to the QTH web servers and was ready for testing. I think that meant the GoDaddy DNS had been changed to point to the QTH installation but I don’t think the domain name registration had been moved yet. I will need to clarify that with Scott on Monday. I also had an e-mail from Gary at Bus Conversion Magazine with the draft of the June 2015 issue attached. This issue has part 3 of my 4-part article on the 2011-12 exterior renovation of our Prevost H3-40 motorcoach. I replied that I would proofread it and submit corrections before I go to bed tomorrow night.
Although Linda is much more physically active with Madeline than I am I was feeling the need for a nap and laid down at 3 PM. I heard Madeline get up around 4 PM and I finally got up at 4:15. Linda enlisted Madeline’s help preparing dinner while I took pictures. The first task was shucking the whole ears of corn. Next, Linda let her put them in a large pot of water, add a little bit of sugar, and stir. While the pot started to heat up on the stove Madeline helped prepare the strawberries by washing them. Linda then got the vegan burgers ready to grill (inside on our stove top griddle) and prepared the garnishes. Madeline does not get to help with things that are sharp or hot. Soon enough it was time for dinner and we all enjoyed our corn-on-the-cob and vegan cheeseburgers. For dessert we had some more of the chocolate cake that we made yesterday with fresh strawberries.
After dinner I cleaned up the dishes and we went out on the deck to sit in the chairs and enjoy a near perfect Michigan summer evening while we watched the bunnies eating grass. Around 7:15 PM we watched another Sesame Workshop DVD. This one was on Shapes and Colors. It was over by 8 PM and Madeline started getting ready for bed which was a very jovial affair. First the potty, then jammies, then tooth brushing followed by finding blankies, “bebes” (pacifiers), and stuffed animals, all the while laughing and giggling. Linda finally got her to sit quietly and read her a story which calmed her down enough to go to bed. If her thoughts drift to her mommy and daddy she will get weepy—it’s part of being two and a half—but we have been successful on this visit keeping her engaged enough to avoid anything more than some occasional brief tears.
We split the remainder of a bottle of Leelanau Cellars Winter White wine we had opened some time ago but had vacuum sealed and it was still fine. Linda finished the dishes and loaded the dishwasher while I filled in the day’s details on this blog post. Both cats came out of hiding and sought our attention.
We have been hearing fireworks, and/or gunfire, for many weeks now and today was no exception. Two nights ago someone in the neighborhood was firing off, or shooting, something until well after midnight. There were more fireworks tonight, as expected, and the activity intensified after 9 PM as dusk gave way to night. The cats were not completely relaxed about the noise but seemed to tolerate it. As far as we know Madeline slept through all of it as she is a very sound sleeper.